DID YOU MISS OUR FALL/WINTER TRYOUTS? DON’T WORRY! Registration is open for 2nd thru 8th grade boys and girls who want to secure their spot in the AEF Fall/Winter 25-26 program! Athletes will not be placed on teams until after the Player Evaluation / Team Placement Camp in July. Athletes who register NOW get the added benefits of (at no additional fee) attending the AEF Skills Camp June 2-5 (for Fall/Winter players only), access to the AEF Personal Training App (April through July), Open Gym from 11:30am-1:30pm Monday thru Thursday in June and July, and 20% off all other AEF Programs!
The AEF Way...
CULTURE: AEF Academy takes a culture-driven approach to youth basketball that transcends wins and losses We foster teamwork and accountability, providing opportunities for athletes to build strong bonds and communicate effectively. Players learn to embrace challenges, support each other through setbacks, and celebrate individual and collective successes. This positive environment builds confidence, resilience, and a strong work ethic, qualities that extend far beyond the basketball court and contribute to every athlete’s overall personal and social development.
COACHES: Player and team development begins with the coach! In addition to being skilled and knowledgeable, AEF coaches communicate positively with our athletes, turning mistakes made into immediate learning opportunities. Our coaches are under the direct supervision of Coach Beck and are evaluated multiple times throughout each season. AEF Skills Instructors also take an active role in training our coaches, both on the practice court and on player benches, providing constructive feedback on a continual basis. All AEF coaches must pass a background screening and complete our Abuse Prevention Program prior to taking the court.
PRACTICES: Practice is held twice per week for 90 minutes each and is led by trained AEF Skills Coordinators on each court, with athletes and their coaches rotating every 30 minutes. This structure facilitates the improvement of every athlete in three areas of the game: skill work, transition principles, and specific team-time. EVERYONE LEARNS the same skills and concepts, no matter what team they are on. We promote a progressive curriculum with a strong emphasis on strengthening each athlete’s skill set, which in turn builds confidence. AEF athletes can expect to dramatically increase their skill level and understanding of the game, giving them an edge over other athletes.
OPEN GYM: AEF will hold Open Gym for all fall/winter athletes Monday thru Thursday in June and July from 11:30am – 1:30pm. Athletes with the AEF Training App can also use this time to complete their weekly training goals and get their questions answered by Coach Beck!
WEDNESDAY SKILL SESSIONS: AEF believes strongly that time on the practice court is greater than time spent competing when it comes to player and team development. To increase opportunities for court time, we run OPEN SKILL SESSIONS on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS during the season. These skill sessions are optional, but highly encouraged!
COMPETITION – All AEF Academy teams play a competitive game schedule, with the number of games dependent on grade level.
- 2nd/3rd grades – 22-24 games, with league play in the fall and winter seasons, as well as a couple of local tournaments.
- 4th/5th grades – 26-28 games; League and Tournament combination; 1 travel tournament for most teams
- 6th/7th/8th grade – 30-34 games; League and Tournament combination; 1-2 travel tournaments
For tournaments that require travel, families are responsible for getting their athletes to tournaments, as well as for their accommodations and meals.